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Treatment of PTSD has three principal components: a) processing and coming to terms with the horrifying, overwhelming experience, b)  controlling and mastering physiological and biological stress reactons, and c)  reestablishing secure social connections and interpersonal efficacy. One of highly recommended treatments is EMDR therapy Prague http://psycholog-holcner.cz/psychologist-prague/. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing was developed by Francine Shapiro. There are eight basic treatment components to EMDR – history taking and treatment planning, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation, body scan, closure, and reevaluation.  The therapy may be at least as effective in treatment of simple PTSD as the cognitive behavior approaches, but it requires less time for a treatment.

Disturbing experience

Trauma occurs when an experience is perceived as life-threatening and overwhelms normal coping skills. When persons are traumatized, much of what they assume about themselves, others, and the purposes of their lives are disrupted and lose connectedness. The concept of connections is integral to a posttrauma intervention model.  What are needed to maintain and reconstruct those meaningful connections between oneself and one´s community are both the presence of inspirational persons in the community and effective tasks designed by oneself. Psychologist in Prague together, the individual and the community help recreate these connections in meaningful, creative, and responsible ways, which may result in change on a different level.

Effective treatment

Special method EMDR is really perfect, because it works. And what problems can you solve there? It does not matter, if you have abnormal cold feet or if you have psychosomatics problems. Someone can have low self-esteem, which should be higher for you better feeling. If you have psychic problems that are visible on you physic estate, you are maybe arguing with your family or partner, you should not hesitate and should find help by our psychotherapist Prague. When you were small, did you experience some kind of trauma? Did you have a traffic accident or problems in the family and it follow up you so far when you’re an adult? Do you have your own family now and want to worry only about family and not about the old feelings that are constantly heard? Then we would like to offer help to you, because we have a special method that is very effective and will frees you from trouble. Which method is it? This method has name EMDR. What is it about, then? This method was discovered in the end of the last century in the USA and it is more frequently used by therapists and doctors today. Do you want to test the global method, which has helped a lot of people and be also satisfied at home and in your work life? There is psychologist Prague for you.

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